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Parsing Rules for Dawntrail

These rules are already active as of the release of Normal mode raids. They are based on feedback from users and polls we've made throughout the tail end of Endwalker. They apply both to speedrunning and regular runs.

Currently we're testing the weaving detection, no logs will be invalidated for now, only a warning message will display at first. If any logs seem like they shouldn't be flagged, let us know!

The weaving detection is currently only applied to Extremes, it will be introduced on Normal raids shortly as well.

If you have any suggestions or questions, please join us on Discord to discuss.

What is allowed

  • Resource runs (starting the second half of a boss with gauge from the first half). As an example, P12 Part 2 had players go through the entirity of Part 1 without wiping when pushing into the second half of the fight, to start it with extra job gauges for a stronger initial burst.

  • Limit Break generation strategies and tech. (Getting a large amount of limit break gauge on pull by getting the party low enough HP and then healing up as the fight starts). That also includes using low item level weapons and or broken weapons for weaker heals, to constantly generate limit break gauges.

  • Weaving that is possible within the game's limitations. Anything which can be naturally weaved between two GCDs is allowed. Similarly, longer weaves which cause an appropriate delay of the next GCD are allowed. This includes triple weaving.

What is not allowed

  • Botting of any shape or form. That includes automation of: Rotations, defensive usage, clicking off buffs ,buff alignment, etc

  • Weaving that isn't possible within the game's boundaries. That includes weaving things like several dragoon jumps with a potion, quadruple weaving of any sort on a regular GCD, weaving abilities with very large animation locks, etc.

  • Bringing any buffs from outside of an instance into an instance or from a wipe to a new pull. This includes any buffs that your party cannot provide and ones that can be provided by your party. As an example, inviting a summoner to searing light before you start up an instance or just popping all your cooldowns then queueing into an instance to start a fight with them. That includes dungeon and raid runs.

  • Speed hacking, log editing, generally hacking in any way for an advantage is also not allowed.

Repeat offenders of any of these violations will get their character banned from rankings with no appealing process

Weaving Detection

We've written out code that sources the real animation lock durations from packet data and using that (with some special cases) to validate whether the oGCDs that are used in between any 2 given GCDs fit in the time delta of those 2 GCDs.

We have a 20 ms simulated amount, and with the way it is designed, it will not punish players that use tools to alleviate ping issues. It should only catch cases where the user has an unfair advantage due to said tools.

Future strategies and tech

We will be reviewing these on a case by case basis, feel free to post it in our Discord servers or reach out to our team to inquire if a strategy you found out/want to do is allowed by us. We may also poll these if it has a larger community impact as well.

Contact Us

As always, we love to hear your feedback. Please join us on Discord to share any feedback and suggestions, or to ask any questions.

Follow our Twitter for updates!

If you have any support questions, please reach out to our support team at [email protected].

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