Warcraft Logs: Race to World First Coverage
The Race to World First Mythic Jailer is here and as always, you can catch the latest updates and in progress pulls on Warcraft Logs. This time around we have some notable and newly updated features to help you keep up to date on the latest action in the Race.
Race Overview Features
Below is an overview of all the various features we have for the RWF. We are currently hard at work making more and it's always exciting to release new things as the race progresses.
Race to World First Leaderboard
The Warcraft Logs Race Leaderboard will now update based on Best Health % on bosses! This means if Guild A kills Boss 3 before Guild B, but Guild B is further ahead boss health % wise on Boss 4, Guild B will show as a higher rank than Guild A. We are hoping that this will lead to some exciting back and forth as guilds go head to head on various bosses, and also more accurately reflect the state of the race.
Real Time Live Logging
We have added a 'Real Time' uploading feature, which uploads fights in real time (roughly every ~10 seconds), so we can near instantly update you on the progress of the fight. Every guild that uses this will have their best % update as the pull is in progress.
To enable real-time live logging for your guild, make sure Competition Mode is turned on in guild settings (Under Report Visibility) by an Officer.
With Competition Mode enabled, you will be able to see 'Enable Real-Time Uploading' in the Uploader.
Latest Updates
All the Race pages have a Latest Updates box which automatically updates while you check out guild pages or any of the streams. This will update with any World 20 or above boss kill and include a red dot if the guild is streaming, so you won't miss out on anything.
Clicking the 'Show Details' button on any boss kill will give you details about the raid composition, their ilevel, talents, soulbind powers, conduits, trinkets, legendaries and tier set status.
Stream Features
We love supporting all the various guilds in their Race to World First endeavors, and some of the features below are made for exactly that. They also make for great tools for the viewers to enjoy, and we would love to hear what you think.
Head to Head View
Once two guilds are progressing simultaneously on a boss, we will show a 'Head to Head' view of their streams, like we did back in Sanctum of Domination when Echo and Liquid went head to head on Sylvanas.
This will easily allow you to switch PoVs between the streamers as well, to keep up with the action or see the class PoV you prefer.
PoV Switcher
As mentioned above, the Point of View switcher is available on both the Head to Head view and the individual guild stream pages for any guild that is currently streaming. There is a red dot on the composition below the stream to indicate who is streaming and you can click to swap to that stream.
This will also show any potential 21st raid leader.
Stream Widgets
We have worked hard on preparing a multitude of stream widgets for guilds and individual streamers to use. Check out the BDGG Stream Widgets for examples. These are embeddable browser sources.
Every guild has access to various widgets. This is for example the Progress Tile, which shows Guild, Boss Fight, Best % and Pull Count.
There are also various graphs you can embed to talk about on stream. These are also available on each guild 'Progress' tab for a closer look.
Featured Partners
Our front page will have our featured partnered guilds for the Race embedded. Make sure to follow and support your favourite guild below!
Guild Overviews
Contact Us
As always, we love to hear your feedback. Please join us on Discord to share any feedback and suggestions, or to ask any questions.
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If you have any support questions, please reach out to our support team at [email protected].