Dragon Soul Parsing Rules
This article goes through the various rules, banned items, and the adds excluded from bosses in Dragon Soul on Warcraft Logs rankings.
If you have any suggestions or questions, please join us on Discord to discuss.
Boss Changes
We are releasing Dragon Soul with no parsing rules, and revisiting shortly after release when we have more insight into the fights and potential issues. Join us on Discord in the #cata-raid-discussion channel for Dragon Soul Parsing Rules to discuss potential changes.
No rules.
Warlord Zon'ozz
Damage done to adds that don't die is removed.
Yor'sahj the Unsleeping
Damage done to adds that don't die is removed.
Hagara the Stormbinder
No rules.
No rules.
Please note that the combat log does not accurately collect data aross the Normal and Twilight realms, so if you want accurate DPS for yourself, you need to be logging yourself.
Warmaster Blackhorn
Phase 1 turned into downtime. Only damage done to Warmaster Blackhorn and Gariona counts.
Spine of Deathwing
Only damage done to Burning Tendons count.
Madness of Deathwing
Damage done to Regenerative Bloods before they heal to full is removed. Spellweave is reattributed to an NPC.
Complete Raid
Complete Raid on Warcraft Logs means doing the full raid in one go. This has a clear starting point and end point.
Doing a Complete Raid rewards you with Complete Raid parses. This includes Speed parses for Guilds and Boss Fight DPS parses for personal parses.
Boss Fight DPS
This is the parse for all boss encounter DPS combined, only counting kills. This requires you to do the full raid in one raid day.
Boss and Trash DPS
This is the DPS parse for all boss + trash encounters combined, counting everything. This requires you to do the full raid in one raid day. Everything (unless explicitly said so above) is included for overall boss/trash, even excluded adds, and downtime is not factored in.
Power Infusion / Unholy Frenzy
On Retail, we've added an Externals Cap. This is also implemented for Power Infusion on Classic.
This means you can only get Power Infusion from the equivalent of one priest. The number of externals received cannot exceed the number that could be given to one individual by one player. However, you may receive each buff from more than one player, so long as the number of buffs you receive remains under the cap.
Unholy Frenzy is limited to ONLY self-casts.
Any parses that break these restrictions will not be ranked.
We attribute Thorns damage back to the casting druid.
Tricks of the Trade
Tricks of the Trade is still attributed to an NPC, as we did in WotLK.
World Buffs
A majority of world buffs, such as:
- Arcane Focus
- Zeal
- Might of Malygos
- Fury of Ragnaros
- Flame of the Seer
- Arcane Might
- Dark Whispers
- Blessing of Blackfathom
- Soul Revival
- Elune's Blessing
- Bloodgem Infusion
and more are banned.
Battle Squawk / Battle Chicken
Battle Squawk from Battle Chicken is banned. This buff will invalidate your boss parse and complete raid parse.
Fishliver Oil, Light of Elune, and More
We will be stricter on one-time use items such as Fishliver Oil and other quest items. These items are banned for parsing, but they are fine to use for progress guild ranks.
Life Tap
Excessively using Life Tap to pad healing parses will invalidate your kill.
Abusing Pyromaniac uptime will invalidate your log.
Contact Us
As always, we love to hear your feedback. Please join us on Discord to share any feedback and suggestions, or to ask any questions.
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