Combined Progression Ranks and Rules for T7
We will be combining the Tier 7: Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum and Eye of Eternity raid progression rankings on Warcraft Logs.
This means we will have some rules and restrictions to prevent guilds from using two separate raid groups for World First. This is for both 10 and 25 player difficulties.
We will set your Progression rank to the value of your best single team clear if you use multiple raid teams to full clear.
Please join us on Discord to discuss.
10 Player Progression Rules
- Maximum of 11 unique characters allowed per raid group.
- All bosses must be killed.
- You need to enter fresh and pristine raid instances. Having someone else pre-clear trash or skip ahead to summon while you're in the other raid is not allowed.
25 Player Progression Rules
- Maximum of 27 unique characters allowed per raid group.
- All bosses must be killed.
- You need to enter fresh and pristine raid instances. Having someone else pre-clear trash or skip ahead to summon while you're in the other raid is not allowed.
If you have feedback, questions or concerns, please join our Discord to discuss with us directly.
If you suspect anyone of not following the rules - please report the logs to [email protected] If you are found to have broken the above rules, you will lose your top 50 combined progress ranking.
We highly recommend you save videos of your progress raid to prove you followed the requirements, as lack of proof that you followed rules might be used against you.
Are these the final rules?
Likely, but we are open to discussing further on Discord.
Can we still have two raid groups play on release?
Yes, but you'll need one group to clear all raids to count for the top 50 ranks.
It is also recommended to use raid teams under a main guild instead of logging to the same guild. Find out how to set up a raid team in our raid team support article.
Is using a warlock to summon ahead while raid clears for example Sarth allowed?
No, you must enter fresh and pristine raid instances.
What if we get server first and titles, but don't follow the WCL rules?
Combined progress is a separate thing than individual raid or boss progress. You would still get #1 for the boss progress (assuming you uploaded a combat log). We might also show who achieved the titles for each server on server pages.
Contact Us
As always, we love to hear your feedback. Please join us on Discord to share any feedback and suggestions, or to ask any questions.
Follow our Twitter for updates!
If you have any support questions, please reach out to our support team at [email protected].