Wipefest: Frequently Asked Questions
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Wipefest & Cataclysm Classic
When will support be live for the latest raid?
Wipefest has always had support for the latest raid as soon as it is live! We do our best to make sure the analysis is as accurate as possible based on Public Test Realm data, and then continue to improve it once the raid opens on live servers and more data is available.
How come the Players tab doesn't show any player scores?
Player Scores are calculated dynamically, which means they need plenty of real data to ensure they are accurate. During the very first few days of a new raid tier, there might not be enough data available (depending on the boss and difficulty) to calculate these accurately. The best thing to do is sit tight for a day or two and check back.
Why isn't the Discord Bot showing up or sending messages?
If the Wipefest Discord Bot is not responding to commands as expected, it is likely a permissions issue. The Discord Bot needs permission to "Send Messages" and "Embed Links". Make sure it also has permissions for the specific channel that you are trying to use it in. You can manage permissions in your Discord Server Settings.
Why isn't a certain spell being tracked?
Sometimes spell data changes between Public Test Realm servers and live servers. Sometimes the spell changes between difficulties and we didn't realize it. Sometimes spells are overlooked!
Please get in touch on the Wipefest Discord Server if you have any suggestions for spells that should be added. The best way to get these added is to also include a link to a Warcraft Logs report that contains the spell.
Why does Wipefest not load this particular report?
Wipefest cannot load reports if:
- The difficulty is not supported (Looking For Raid).
- The raid is not supported (pre-Ulduar raids for Classic).
- The report is private (consider making your report unlisted if you want to view it in Wipefest).
- The report is archived (Warcraft Logs archives reports after 2 years).
Why can't Wipefest load my private report?
Eventually, we would like to add private report support to Wipefest (via Warcraft Logs user authentication). For now, consider making your report "unlisted" instead of "private" if you want to view it in Wipefest.
I'd love to help support Wipefest - how can I do that?
The free way to support Wipefest is to spread the word and help others learn how they can use Wipefest to improve in their raids!
If you are able to, then becoming a patron via Patreon is the best way to help us cover infrastructure and engineering costs, as well as unlocking subscription-only features on the site itself!
Why is my Patreon subscription not being recognised?
Wipefest does its best to detect Patreon subscription changes in as real-time as possible. However, sometimes there can be issues. The best course of action to force a subscription re-check is to:
- Go to your account page.
- Click "Sign Out" in the bottom-right.
- Log back in (top-right).
- If your account page shows that Patreon is connected, but the subscription data is inaccurate, click "Disconnect Profile".
- Connect to Patreon again.
Note that sometimes it can take a day for Patreon to process your payment and register your subscription level.
Why can't another user in my guild view my multi-pull analysis?
Legendary Subscribers can share multi-pull analysis with their guild. Make sure that:
- Both the user generating the analysis and the user viewing the analysis have chosen their main guild on the account page.
- The main guild of both users match.
- The analysis was generated after the analysing user chose their main guild (the analysis is only associated with the guild at point of generation, and isn't retroactive).
I've encountered a bug, where can I report it?
You can report bugs on the Wipefest Discord Server. Please check to see if that bug has already been reported recently before re-reporting!
It looks like Wipefest is down, what can I do?
Wipefest depends on some external services such as the Battle.Net API and the Warcraft Logs API, so is sensitive to upstream issues on those services. However, Wipefest also occasionally has its own issues! If something isn't loading and it doesn't seem to fix itself within 10 minutes, please get in touch on the Wipefest Discord Server.
Is there an API available for developers to extract Wipefest data?
Unfortunately not. However, as Wipefest builds all its data using the Warcraft Logs API, consider using that for your needs instead.