Zul Aman Speed Run Rules
Last updated: March 29, 2022
The below requirements are needed to be placed in the 'Without Skips' Complete Raid category. Please note that all 6 bosses are required for a full complete speed run.
Starting Points
Your run starts with:
- Amani'shi Savage (ID: 23889)
Note that killing Zul'jin finishes your run. You cannot validate your run by killing trash after he is defeated.
Trash Requirements
NOTE: It's enough to require one type of mob in a trash pack to make the list less overwhelming. All mobs of a trash pack around the required mobs are implicitly and explicitly considered as required.
- 8 Amani'shi Savage (ID: 23889)
- 14 Amani'shi Medicine Man/Amani'shi Wind Walker/Amani'shi Flame Caster (ID: 23581/24179/23596)
- 4 Amani'shi Protector (ID: 24180)
- 2 Amani'shi Tempest (ID: 24549)
- 2 Amani'shi Tribesman (ID: 23582)
- 4 Amani'shi Warbringer (ID: 23580)
- 3 Amani Elder Lynx (ID: 24530)
- 3 Amani'shi Handler (ID: 24065)
- 4 Amani'shi Berserker (ID: 24374)
Useful tools
WeakAura for tracking requirements in-game by Zpm.
Validation Spreadsheet - to validate your runs by Shariva.
Join the Warcraft Logs Classic Fresh Discord if you have any questions or feedback.
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