Melee Hunter Raid Trinkets

The most popular Melee Hunter Trinkets in WoW - SoD. Data-driven builds updated daily for Kel'Thuzad in Season of Discovery (Classic) Phase 7. Disclaimers & FAQ

These are the most popular Melee Hunter trinket combos. The most popular combo is and with 29.4% usage.

BiS Best in Slot data provided by Wowhead's Melee Hunter Best in Slot Guide.

Only show combos using this trinket:

To make this data easier to read, we have merged items that are equivalent except for their faction. For example, and are counted as the same, despite being available to different factions.

Trinket comboPopularity
 / BiS 
 / BiS 
 / BiS 

These are the most popular Melee Hunter trinkets. The two most popular trinkets individually are with 64.0% usage and with 42.5% usage.

BiS Best in Slot data provided by Wowhead's Melee Hunter Best in Slot Guide.

To make this data easier to read, we have merged items that are equivalent except for their faction. For example, and are counted as the same, despite being available to different factions.


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