Recruitment Improvements: Letting Guilds Find Players!
Warcraft Logs Recruitment part two is here! We are finally ready to release something that has been in the works for months: the Recruitment - Guild looking for Players feature. This will allow guilds to search for players that match their set filters (e.g. schedule, class, spec) for easier guild recruitment.
New Features
After releasing the first part of our Recruitment feature back in June, we have been hard at work improving and adding additional features. This launch includes the addition of Guild Looking for Player, more filters for both guilds and players, an update of our current features, such as the schedule availability, and more.
Guild Looking for Players
The biggest new feature in this release is Guild Looking for Players. This will allow Guilds to easily search for players that fit their filter criteria. On that note, we have also added additional filters, such as Best Historical Percent, Median Historical Percent and All Star Percent.
These will also show from the character's private logs.
Read more about this feature on the Recruitment Help: Guild Looking for Players page.
Players Looking for Guild
Users can list their claimed characters for Looking for Guild either through their profile or on the Recruitment page. Setting up your availability, class, spec, language and more will filter you to only match the guilds that fit your criteria and guilds that are also looking for you.
Read more about this feature on the Recruitment Help: Players Looking for Guild page.
Future Plans
The past few months that we have spent working on our recruitment feature has given us a lot of ideas of how to improve on this in the future. We’ve gotten the product to a level where we feel we are ready to share it with you guys, but that does not mean we are done working on it. There are a lot of exciting updates and features in work, which includes an overhaul to the scheduling, additional search filters and more.
We are also working out the last obstacles before we can release this on our other supported games.
Contact Us
As always, we love to hear your feedback. Please join us on Discord to share any feedback and suggestions, or to ask any questions.
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If you have any support questions, please reach out to our support team at [email protected].