Frost Death Knight Mythic+ Gear & Tier

The most popular Frost Death Knight Gear & Tier in WoW - TWW. Data-driven builds updated daily for Mythic+ in The War Within Season 1. Disclaimers & FAQ

Frost Death Knight Gear Tables

Here you can find the most used items for each slot of your inventory. These include powerful alternative options for your build, even if you can't get your hands on the Best in Slot.

BiS Best in Slot data provided by Wowhead's Frost Death Knight Best in Slot Guide.

Main-HandMax KeyPopularity
Duelist's Dancing Steel+19
BiS Ansurek's Final Judgment+20
Mace of Transformed Bone+19
Off-HandMax KeyPopularity
Duelist's Dancing Steel+19
Everforged Longsword+19
BiS Ansurek's Final Judgment+19
TrinketMax KeyPopularity
BiS Treacherous Transmitter+20
Skarmorak Shard+20
Mark of Khardros+19
RingsMax KeyPopularity
BiS Cyrce's Circlet+20
Ring of Earthen Craftsmanship+19
BiS Seal of the Poisoned Pact+19
NeckMax KeyPopularity
Locket of Broken Memories+20
Amulet of Earthen Craftsmanship+19
BiS Trailspinner Pendant+18
ShouldersMax KeyPopularity
BiS Exhumed Centurion's Spikes+20
BackMax KeyPopularity
BiS Wings of Shattered Sorrow+20
Consecrated Cloak+19
Royal Emblem of Nerub-ar+18
ChestMax KeyPopularity
BiS Exhumed Centurion's Breastplate+20
Everforged Breastplate+17
WristMax KeyPopularity
Everforged Vambraces+19
Ravaged Lamplighter's Manacles+20
BiS Devoted Offering's Irons+18
GlovesMax KeyPopularity
BiS Exhumed Centurion's Gauntlets+20
BeltMax KeyPopularity
Everforged Greatbelt+20
BiS Crystal-Fissure Girdle+19
Exhumed Centurion's Baltea+18
LegsMax KeyPopularity
BiS Exhumed Centurion's Chausses+20
Legplates of Broken Trust+15
Gormshell Greaves+16
FeetMax KeyPopularity
BiS Everforged Sabatons+20
Exhumed Centurion's Sollerets+19
Heritage Militia's Stompers+19

The most popular Frost Death Knight crafted item is BiS Everforged Helm with 62.6% usage.

ItemMax KeyPopularity
BiS Everforged Helm+19
BiS Everforged Sabatons+20
Ring of Earthen Craftsmanship+19
Everforged Vambraces+19
Everforged Greatbelt+20
Consecrated Cloak+19

These are the most popular Frost Death Knight missives. The most popular missive is Algari Missive of the Peerless with 98.8% usage.

These are the most popular Frost Death Knight embellishment combos. The most popular combo is Dawnthread Lining and Dawnthread Lining with 86.9% usage.

Frost Death Knight Tier Set

Exhumed Centurion's Relics

Exhumed Centurion's Relics is the Death Knight tier set in Season 1. These are its effects:

2 Set Bonus

Your Runic Power spending abilities deal 8% increased damage.

2 Set Bonus

Your Runic Power spending abilities deal 8% increased damage.

2 Set Bonus

Your Runic Power spending abilities deal 8% increased damage.

4 Set Bonus

Consuming Runic Power has a chance to increase your Strength by 10% for 8 sec.

4 Set Bonus

Consuming Runic Power has a chance to increase your Strength by 10% for 8 sec.

4 Set Bonus

Consuming Runic Power has a chance to increase your Strength by 10% for 8 sec.

The most popular Frost Death Knight gear based on all data across the last 2 weeks. This represents a strong set of gear for this point in Season 1 that is close to Best in Slot but with some alternatives that are easier to obtain. Tier pieces up to the maximum set bonus and legendary items have been prioritized once seen at least once.

BiS Best in Slot data provided by Wowhead's Frost Death Knight Best in Slot Guide.

Weapons & Trinkets


226 parses
226 parses
295 parses

Learn About Frost Death Knight Gear With Wowhead

To learn more about your gearing choices, check out Wowhead's Frost Death Knight Gear Guide . While Archon can show you the current meta (what gear choices players are making and how they are performing with those choices), Wowhead can teach you more about why certain choices are better than others.

Wowhead's Frost Death Knight Gear Guide

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