Restoration Druid Mythic+ Gear & Tier

The most popular Restoration Druid Gear & Tier in WoW - TWW. Data-driven builds updated daily for Siege of Boralus in The War Within Season 1. Disclaimers & FAQ

Restoration Druid Gear Tables

Here you can find the most used items for each slot of your inventory. These include powerful alternative options for your build, even if you can't get your hands on the Best in Slot.

BiS Best in Slot data provided by Wowhead's Restoration Druid Best in Slot Guide.

Max KeyPopularity
Max KeyPopularity
Max KeyPopularity
Max KeyPopularity
Max KeyPopularity
Max KeyPopularity
Max KeyPopularity
Max KeyPopularity
Max KeyPopularity
Max KeyPopularity
Max KeyPopularity
Max KeyPopularity
Max KeyPopularity
Max KeyPopularity

The most popular Restoration Druid crafted item is with 52.7% usage.

ItemMax KeyPopularity

These are the most popular Restoration Druid missives. The most popular missive is with 62.1% usage.

MissiveMax KeyPopularity

These are the most popular Restoration Druid embellishment combos. The most popular combo is and with 37.5% usage.

EmbellishmentsMax KeyPopularity
 / +14
 / +14
 / +16
 / +15
 / +12
 / +16

Restoration Druid Tier Set

Mane of the Greatlynx

Mane of the Greatlynx is the Druid tier set in Season 1. These are its effects:

2 Set Bonus

, , and healing increased by 10%.

4 Set Bonus

Your healing is increased by 8% when consuming 's bonus and for 6 sec afterward.

The most popular Restoration Druid gear based on all data across the last 2 weeks. This represents a strong set of gear for this point in Season 1 that is close to Best in Slot but with some alternatives that are easier to obtain. Tier pieces up to the maximum set bonus and legendary items have been prioritized once seen at least once.

BiS Best in Slot data provided by Wowhead's Restoration Druid Best in Slot Guide.

914 parses
1.2k parses
312 parses
1.2k parses
393 parses
1.1k parses
366 parses
1.1k parses
292 parses
1.3k parses

Weapons & Trinkets


252 parses
252 parses

Learn About Restoration Druid Gear With Wowhead

To learn more about your gearing choices, check out Wowhead's Restoration Druid Gear Guide . While Archon can show you the current meta (what gear choices players are making and how they are performing with those choices), Wowhead can teach you more about why certain choices are better than others.

Wowhead's Restoration Druid Gear Guide

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