Wipefest: Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible
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Wipefest support for Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible has been live since the raid released, and is already helping guilds everywhere analyse the boss mechanics in their pulls and work out how they can improve their performance and continue progressing.
Not used Wipefest before and want to learn more about how you can use it to analyze your Warcraft Logs reports? Read How to Improve Your Raid With Wipefest.
Let's dig into some examples of what mechanics Wipefest can automatically analyze for you in Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible!
Kazzara, The Hellforged
One of the simplest ways that Wipefest can help is by pointing out avoidable damage. For example,
The Amalgamation Chamber
The Amalgamation Chamber has several soak mechanics that can be deadly if not handled properly. For example,
The Forgotten Experiments
One mechanic in The Forgotten Experiments that requires balance is
If you are struggling with this mechanic, it might be that you are dispelling too often and causing too many adds to spawn, or causing them to spawn at bad times. One analysis method is to load up logs from the kills of other guilds and see how they performed. In particular, Wipefest can show you who had each debuff, how many stacks it reached, and when it was dispelled (spawning an add).
Assault of the Zaqali
The Magma Mystic's in Assault of the Zaqali buff themselves with a
Note that this mechanic had a percentile score of 17. This means that this raid was slower than 83% of other raids when breaking this barrier. Wipefest is highlighting that, if this raid is struggling with its progression, this is a potential point of improvement for a cleaner pull.
Rashok, The Elder
If you take one thing away from this article, it should be: "Do not overlap Lava Vortexes!".
Rashok targets a player for
Note that Wipefest orders mechanics by their relative importance (which it calculates dynamically based on a large sample of raid performance). Mechanics like these will always appear near the top of the list, and if your raid is scoring low on them, they are often a good point of focus for your next pull.
The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn
One important mechanic to stay on top of when fighting
Magmorax is a fairly simple fight, but is a good example to remind us that avoidable damage isn't always avoidable! For example, players targeted by
Echo of Neltharion
Echo of Neltharion presents an interesting mechanic during its last phase. Neltharion casts
Wipefest will analyze both aspects of this mechanic. Remember, if you have to choose one, opt to play it safe and stay in the Sundered Reality longer to avoid dying to Ebon Destruction (not like me in this screenshot)!
Scalecommander Sarkareth
At the start of the fight, Sarkareth debuffs the raid with
- The player was targeted by Mass Disintegrate.
- The player was getting hit on purpose to remove Oppressing Howl.
- The player wasn't targeted and had already removed Oppressing Howl.
Only the final scenario is avoidable. However, filtering damage taken like this manually can be tricky and often requires custom code. Luckily, Wipefest can do this work for us and present us with only the events where a player got hit when it was truly avoidable!
Wrapping Up
This is just a taste of some of the mechanical analysis that Wipefest has to offer, alongside other features such as player scores, event timelines, guides, and multi-pull analysis.
If you get stuck, we have an article of frequently asked questions, as well as a Discord server where you can discuss with other Wipefest users.
You can find me as Yax on Twitter.
Support this tier would not have been possible without emallson and Essk!
Good luck, have fun!