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Wipefest: Liberation of Undermine

Last updated: March 18, 2025

Navigating through Warcraft Logs can be difficult. Wipefest is here to help you narrow down your specific problem areas to improve. Combine the personalized analysis with the visual guides of Mythic Trap to increase your group's success in the newest raid. Help your raid conquer The War Within by getting an in-depth analysis of every boss' mechanics and how you deal with them on Wipefest today! All bosses in Liberation of Undermine are supported.

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Wipefest in Liberation of Undermine

Wipefest support for Undermine has been live since the raid released, and is already helping guilds everywhere analyze the boss mechanics in their pulls and work out how they can improve their performance and continue progressing.

Not used Wipefest before and want to learn more about how you can use it to analyze your Warcraft Logs reports? Read How to Improve Your Raid With Wipefest.

Let's dig into some examples of what mechanics Wipefest can automatically analyze for you in Undermine! Make sure to check every boss for your needs, as below are just some examples of the analysis Wipefest provides for your raid.

All Bosses

Some insights are available regardless of which boss you're looking at, including checks on potions, healthstones, flasks, food, enchants, gems, and deaths. For example, the ready check insight can give you a quick overview of everyone's gear:

Sometimes mechanics just boil down to "don't get hit".

on Vexie is an example of such a mechanic. Don't stand in the circles when the shrapnel lands to avoid taking damage! Wipefest gives you a summary of who took damage from this, as well as providing a guide snippet from Mythic Trap that includes a video clip and more information about the mechanic.

Sometimes you can't avoid taking some damage from a mechanic, but still want to reduce your overall damage.

on Cauldron of Carnage is an example of this, as you need to spread to avoid splashing damage to other players but will always take hits from your own circle. Wipefest handles this by only counting damage where players got hit more than once at the exact same time, which implies they were overlapping with someone else. While simple in concept, this type of analysis is typically hard to do directly on Warcraft Logs.

Another thing you may notice from the above screenshot is the 96 in the top-left. This is a percentile score that Wipefest assigns based on how well the raid performed the mechanic. In this case it means that the raid took less damage per cast than 96% of other raid groups. This is useful context as it lets us know that, although the group is taking extra damage compared to perfect play, the raid is still performing this mechanic perfectly fine and this likely won't hold them back from killing the boss.

Sometimes it's not obvious if a mechanic happened and where to start looking to analyse it. For example, if Rik is too close to an Amplifier, it will greatly increase the rate at which they gain Energy, getting closer to a

. Wipefest can immediately tell you if and when this happens.

On Stix, players get chosen to roll a growing ball of

to defuse bombs or damage the boss. While players roll this ball around, they may accidentally roll it over other players, damaging and stunning them for a short time! Wipefest shows this data in two ways. First, it lists the "sources", which were the players that caused the stun. Then, it lists the "targets", which were the players that got stunned.

On Mythic difficulty, Sprocketmonger casts

which assigns every raid member either red or blue polarization. Players must avoid touching other players with opposite colors and must also avoid triggering
of the opposite color. The latter mechanic is hard to analyze in logs, as you must look for which player gained
just before the raid took damage from
. Wipefest can do this for you automatically!

On One-Armed Bandit, players are encouraged to play dangerously. Chips will be rolled outward from the boss via

, and if players stand next to them as they roll past they'll gain a damage buff from
. Wipefest tracks how many times players are managing to gain this buff.

However, if you get too close to the Chip it will hit you, causing massive damage and stunning you with

. Of course, Wipefest tracks this too!


mechanic on Mug'Zee initially seems quite simple: just alternate two groups to soak it. However, extra difficulty arrives in phase 2 when the ability overlaps with
. It can be hard to make sure that your Gaol groups align with your desired soaking, and even harder to make sure that the soak is successful if it arrives during the

To help analyze post-pull, Wipefest tracks which players soaked which instance of


Throughout the entire fight, Gallywix will spawn bombs called

. If left alone, these will explode and deal lethal raid damage. Players need to defuse these bombs but will take heavy stacking damage from
when they do so. This job will likely fall mostly on your tanks, but other players can help out too! Wipefest will compile a table for you to easily track who soaked bombs and how many stacks they went to before letting them fall off.

Wrapping Up

This is just a taste of some of the mechanical analysis that Wipefest has to offer, alongside other features such as player scores, event timelines, guides, and multi-pull analysis.

If you get stuck, we have an article of frequently asked questions, as well as a Discord server where you can discuss with other Wipefest users.

You can find me as Yax on Twitter and Bluesky. Support would not be possible without emallson!

Good luck, have fun!

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